Contemporary Flamenco Dance Show
Client: Compañía Arrieritos
Original Soundtrack, Piano, Music Production & Direction by Héctor González Sánchez
October 22, 2005 – Auditorio Padre Soler, Leganés, Madrid
A tribute to all the innocent victims of the Spanish Civil War and so many wars and situations in which human beings are unjustly annihilated.
On the morning of August 5, 1939, more than sixty young people were executed in Madrid. They were blamed for an attack on a civil guard commander. Among those executed were thirteen women.
The Arrieritos company, in this instance, collaborates with thirteen women artists who help us navigate the fears, uncertainties, deprivations, and affections that the protagonists of this tragic story experienced. Actresses, dancers, flamenco performers, a guitarist, a singer, and the piano of Héctor González Sánchez.
The show toured Europe and America for 3 years, in emblematic venues such as the Teatro Fernando de Rojas del Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid), Teatro Central (Seville), Café de la Danse (Paris, France), Teatro de las Artes del Forum Universal de las Culturas de Monterrey (Mexico), among others.
- “Max” Award for Best Dance Show 2007
- “Max” Award for Best Choreography 2007
- Best Dance Show Award at the Huesca International Theatre Fair 2006
- “Chivas Telón” Award for Best Breakthrough Theatre Production 2007
- Performers: Ascensión Angulo, Montse Cortés, Mamen Godoy, Héctor González Sánchez, Tacha González, Sonia González, Antonia Jiménez, Mar López, Lourdes Más, Pepa Molina, Olga Pericet, Andrea Quintana, Mara Rey, Ana Romero, Patricia Ruz, Elena Santonja, Patricia Torrero, Esperanza de la Vega.
- Music Direction & Creation: Héctor González Sánchez
- Lyrics: Andrés González Sánchez
- Vocal Arrangements: Mara Rey
- Guitar Arrangements: Antonia Jiménez
- Orchestra Conductor: Gabriel García
- Recorded Guitar: José Torres
- Sound Engineer: Patrick Guishlan, Héctor González Sánchez
- Lighting Design: Tomás Pérez
- Choreographic Coordination: Arrieritos Company
- Scenic Space Design: Ana Garay / Florencio Campos
- Costume Design: Ana Garay
- Photography: Pedro Amay
- Video: David Picazo
- Graphic Design: Gara Koan / Isla Grafica
- Original Concept: Elena Santonja, Patricia Torrero
- Script: Florencio Campo, David Picazo
- Director: Florencio Campo
- Assistant Director: David Picazo
- Executive Production: Arrieritos
- Production: Arrieritos Company (ARRIERITOS SL)
- Press: Pedro Sánchez & Carlos Colorado
- Premios Max: Color alicantino en los Premios Max (Diario Información)
- Reseña de la actuación de “13 Rosas” en el Círculo de Bellas Artes (
- “Y no las borraron”: Artículo sobre “13 Rosas” (ABC Sevilla)
- Espectáculo “13 Rosas” en TheatreOnline
- Edición 2007 de los Premios Max
- Memoria Forum Universal de las Culturas Monterrey 2007
- Espectáculo “13 Rosas” en RedEscena
- Arrieritos en la Red Aragonesa de Espacios Escénicos